徳川埋蔵金Tokugawa Treasure



井伊直弼はこの事態を危惧し、幕府の御用金の埋蔵を計画したという。 桜田門外の変で井伊直弼が凶刃に倒れた後、御用金の埋蔵計画は幕府最後の勘定奉行である小栗上野介や、軍学者の林靏梁らにより実行されたとされている。その額およそ360万両、時価にして数十兆円に値する。官軍による江戸開城の際、場内の御金蔵がカラだったのは史実として残っている。



In 1853, at the end of the Edo Period, the United States Commodore Matthew Perry came to Japan in his famous kurfune (black ships) and demanded that Japan open its country after years of self-imposed isolation.

Ii Naosuke, a high-ranking official (Tairo) of the bakufu government at the time, is believed to have buried an enormous amount of government gold currency in the mountain of Akagiyama in present-day Gunma Prefecture in order to prevent the immense amount of money from flowing out of the country.

Such claims are based on the fact that the treasure house at Edo Castle was found empty when the new government ordered the castle opened.