徳川埋蔵金ドキュメンタリー映画 Documentary movie of Tokugawa Treasure

本作品は、現在の水野家当主 水野智之 の埋蔵金発掘事業を、監督自身が(水野氏の家業の看板制作を手伝いながら)赤城山に住み込み、3年にわたり撮り続けたドキュメンタリー作品です。

物語は、水野氏が「全ての謎は解けた」という発掘ポイントを指し示すところから始まります。 強烈な個性を持つ水野氏の埋蔵金発掘事業を軸に、祖父子3代の発掘の歴史、一攫千金を夢見て赤城山にやってくる人々、水野氏の仲間が集い、紆余曲折を経て開始する10年越しの発掘・・・と 物語は進行していきます。


At Mt. Akagi, Tomoyuki Mizuno was into a government gold excavation project as a 3rd generation owner.

The story starts where Tomoyuki Mizuno finally came to a discovery of a place with potential of gold after 40 years of thorough investigation. His discovery was led by deciphering old maps and a scroll handed by a samurai.

Mizuno’s strong character & behavior.

The history of the Mizuno’s family and mining miles of tunnels.

Eccentric people who come for the golds.

Then the story follows to Mizuno’s full-scale gold excavation project.

This film conveys his way of life and philosophy as his lifelong theme, “To be given or not” and how he fights against the fate that invited him into this unrealistic project.